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Image of Course: Flip Cup Pour Painting 1, for Four People

Course: Flip Cup Pour Painting 1, for Four People

Express yourself with the Wonder of Color while pour painting.
It's a PARTY.
No experience necessary. I guarantee you will fall in Love.

3-4 of your favorite colors, a 12X 12 canvas. You will learn the basics of pour painting, preparing the canvas, selecting color a pallet, mixing colors and creating a fabulous work of art.
Light refreshments will be served. The class takes 1- 2 hours.
Call to schedule your Painting Party. (704) 884-1548

Classes Held on site:
1566 D Union Road
Gastonia, NC 28054

Image of Course: Flip Cup Pour Painting 1, for Four People
Image of Course: Flip Cup Pour Painting 1, for Four People
Image of Course: Flip Cup Pour Painting 1, for Four People